Welcome to a new Soulstory. A story that may arise on its own. An adventure, not knowing where to go…Will you come with me?

I have received such beautiful and sweet reactions to my previous and also very first Soulstory. Thank you! So grateful and the motivation to tell a new soul story… That was a side road for a while.

I’m from the side roads…

Side roads are often the most beautiful and inspiring roads. Sometimes impassable, overgrown, but so much more fun. Yes, I have really learned over the years to see life as an adventure. An adventure that I can shape myself. Actually, I’m quite proud of what I’ve achieved, peeling off layers and getting to the core more and more. Just maybe not in telling a story…

I’ll tell you honestly. I actually planned to pick up where I left off with my previous Soulstory. But this too, the Soulstories, are one big adventure that may arise from itself. I tell you what I want to tell you from my deepest…

That’s what makes it so much fun. A bit unpredictable, outside the lines, out of the comfort zone. Playful, creative, colorful. That’s how I am and I like it better and better. Ok, now enough feathers stuck in my own ass.

Dear you! Let me talk about you. Really serious. Without kidding. What I want to tell you, you can really let it sink in. Maybe it will help you to put your hand on your heart.

I am incredibly proud of you! Proud of your strength and courage what you have in this life. A life that can really be experienced as a rollercoaster at certain points. A turbulent world that rages around you like a storm. So many stories, so many opinions. Tug-of-war, manipulation, choices that are imposed on you from the outside and over which you seem to have no influence…

That asks a lot of you, dear person! A lot! Don’t underestimate that and don’t downplay it.

There is so much going on worldwide right now. Visible invisible. All kinds of forces, agendas, power. I can’t even comprehend it all myself. Or put words to it. I think you might recognize yourself in this too. You don’t want and can’t understand it all. But you also feel within yourself that the outside world is not in line with you. You can’t put your finger on what it is exactly, but it doesn’t feel right, an uncanny feeling. Or maybe you have it very clear.

What matters to me is that you are never, never, not alone. Wherever you are in life. Whatever beliefs, opinions, visions, self-insights you have.

No matter how different we seem at first glance.

I look a bit like you and you look a bit like me. When it comes down to it, we have the noses in the same direction and walk in the same direction. In details maybe different and we don’t walk the same path together. Yet we meet, sooner or later. Our paths will cross.

We’re more alike than you think. What a nice thought that is. Do not you think so? Different, but still 1 goal. We all want to give and receive unconditional love.

And dear you, what a wonderful endeavor, but also quite a challenge! A challenge because we forgot this love at a young age, lost it. To then look for it again in the rest of your life and hope to find it.

Dear person, I can tell you how hard work it is to try to fill the void in your heart. To be filled with love… How much pain you’ve had, how much sadness for this loss. The walls you’ve started to build to protect yourself from all that pain and sorrow. But dear you, be honest? To what extent have you been able to fill your emptiness in this life? Can you fill your heart with love?

Stop searching…Starting today, you stop searching! Searching for love. You won’t find it out there. Out in that turbulent world that rages around you like a storm. You will not find what you desire there… Just like you, I wish you from my deepest, unconditional love.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Dear you, there you see the answer. The search goes in through your eyes and heart.

And don’t drop out now because you feel resistance to what I’m telling you. Resistance to fear, unfamiliarity. Waving away from my words that are floaty, words you don’t want to hear. Still I tell you. Otherwise you will listen to this Soulstory another time, the only question is: when will you be ready?

Another side road, my favorite as you know: remember dear you, maybe it helps a little that I also tell this Soulstory to myself. I’m in the same boat, like I said, you’re never alone! There are many with you struggling, searching, lost, feeling fear.

Ok. Start with the first step of giving and receiving love: looking at yourself in the mirror! Look, without judgment. Let everything be there. Because oh, how intense this can be! All those different feelings, like the turbulent world outside you raging like a storm.

Let me tell you that it is your own world: your inner world. As inside, so outside. The outside world is a reflection of us.

Listen again what I just said: the outside world is a reflection of us. The answer is already hidden there. We look for unconditional love.

Dear you, just look in the mirror. The answer lies within you: you find unconditional love within yourself.


The first years that you received and gave unconditional love are not lost. It is covered in a layer of dust, because circumstances have made you afraid of unconditional love. Afraid to feel and receive it. Unconditional love fits very difficult or not in the current world.

Don’t get me wrong: unconditional love certainly does occur, but it is very challenging and it may have been a very long journey.

And how proud I am, again, of you! You are so brave and strong not to give up. You keep going no matter what! That’s why I know you can do this too!

You can go within, by facing the dark, healing and embracing. Do not be afraid. The greatest fear is the fear of the unknown. Fear deceives you, as you see in the outside world… It takes you on the wrong track, the wrong path.

Trust your own feeling. They don’t fool you. Never! Remember in my first Soulstory, when you are at a crossroads, you ask yourself these questions: Are you physically hurting yourself or others? Is it about life or death choices? If you answer “no” twice, make a choice. Follow your feeling, your heart or your intuition.

Whatever the outside world shows you or wants to show you. Be your own eye in the storm. Turn inward and develop your own compass: your inner compass.

Your inner compass and unconditional love. What is the relationship of these two? Everything!!

Your heart and intuition knows no conditional love. It makes no rules or agreements with you. If you do this… then…

First I want you to do this before I love you.

Now you have already received love from me twice, now it’s your turn.

No, that’s not how it works. Crazy, huh? Or actually not crazy… It would be very strange if it works that way with your heart and intuition. It is actually very strange that the world mainly works with give and take, rules, conditions. The system works this way. That is measurable, understandable, clear.

People, like you and me, get that uncanny feeling. It is not right. It doesn’t feel sincere and isn’t the purpose of love.

Love is just there, an energy: a very positive energy. Energy that is allowed to flow freely, from heart to heart, without conditions.

Conditions hinder. It gives a power failure. It interrupts the flow to each other’s hearts.

And then I haven’t really answered the relationship between inner compass and unconditional love. I already told you that I don’t always get to the heart of my story. Oh well, I also have my less strong sides, but I do it anyway! This is me! From my heart and intuition.

I can embrace myself more and more and can see the lightness of it myself. That too is unconditional love. Sneak a little bit about yourself.

I digress again… the relationship between… you know it by now: inner compass and unconditional love.

Unconditional love to yourself is being true to your heart and intuition. She shows you the way: your inner compass! The way of unconditional love. Because life is full of surprises and challenges and will sometimes mislead you and lead you astray or get lost. By loving yourself unconditionally, you also follow the path to unconditional love for everything and everyone!

There I will meet you, dear you! And remember, it’s not a competition between you and me. We wait for each other there. Because you are never, never, not alone and we only have 1 common goal: unconditional love!

Thank you for joining us and I look forward to meeting you again at the next intersection!
